This page contains an (long!) itemized list of the documents received through ATI (federal government) and RTI (New Brunswick) requests.
On this page, we’ve listed the same information as on the main Access to Information page, with a itemized breakdown of all the documents received in each release package.
CIB 1) Communications related to reprocessing and recycling used nuclear fuel received between January 2016 and December 2022. Requested December 2022, received February 2023. HERE (pdf 2.2 MB • 32 pages)
CIB 1.1) Slide deck “Moltex technology and plans” September 27, 2022, 26 pages
CNSC 1) Statements issued expressing Canada’s policy with respect to the “recycling” or “reprocessing” of nuclear fuel waste. Requested December 2022, received April 2023. HERE (pdf 46.6 MB • 418 pages)
CNSC 1.1) Page with hyperlinks/ references to material on CNSC website, 1 page
CNSC 1.2) Media Call Spreadsheet info related to nuclear weapons proliferation and security risks in relation to plutonium, 1 page.
CNSC 1.3) Canadian National Report for the joint convention on the safety of spent fuel management and on the safety of radioactive waste management, Seventh report, October 2020 (seems like a public document) 213 pages plus annexes, 102 pages
CNSC 1.4) Document “Mythbusters” – a list of statements about nuclear issues and the responses from the CNSC, 6 pages
CNSC 1.5) Statement in EN and FR by Michael Binder, former Chair, with additional page in EN only, 3 pages.
CNSC 1.6) Compilation of emails exchanges the public [sic] through about the proposed shipment of old steam generators to Sweden, updated September 1, 2010, 86 pages
CNSC 2) Statements issued between 1977 and 2022 expressing Canada’s policy with respect to nuclear weapons proliferation and security risks in relation to plutonium. Requested December 2022, received April 2023. HERE (pdf 308 KB • 11 pages)
CNSC 2.1) Media call spreadsheet, 3 pages.
CNSC 2.2) List of links to documents on the CNSC website, 1 page.
CNSC 2.3) Statement by Michael Binder, former Chair, in EN and FR with additional page in EN only, 3 pages.
CNSC 3) Communications related to reprocessing and recycling used nuclear fuel received between January 2016 and December 2022. Requested December 2022, received August 2023. HERE (pdf 12.6 MB • 576 pages)
CNSC 3.1) Conference program: OECD Workshop on the Management of Spent fuel, Radioactive Waste, and Decommissioning in SMR/Advanced Reactor Technologies, 7-10 November 2022, 5 pages
CNSC 3.2) CNSC slide deck: CANDU Advantages in Recycling the Recovered Uranium from Spent LWR Fuels, Briefing on Processing and Reprocessing Facilities, Nov. 25, 2014, 19 pages
CNSC 3.3) Canada Space Agency slide deck: Space Nuclear Power Systems, Potential Canadian Contributions to Exploration of Deep Space, January 10, 2023, 25 pages
CNSC 3.4) CNSC report: Project Plan: Small Modular Reactor Readiness, October, 2022, Activities include policy development, with other federal partners, of fuel reprocessing, recycling and waste (WATTS) (sic) 36 pages
CNSC 3.5) Internal CNSC memo August 25, 2022, re: Discussion with NRCan on public discussion of reprocessing. Includes: “This includes establishing the policy questions that need to be asked to provide investor certainty (amongst other goals) and the best method to share them with the public (e.g. possibly a discussion paper).” 2 pages
CNSC 3.6) NRCan Meeting agenda: Small Modular Reactor Action Plan Leadership Table Meeting Agenda, October 3, 2022. Agenda items include “CNSC is looking to provide Canadians with more information on the topic of waste reprocessing, including an overview of the regulatory oversight of this activity globally and safety record of these facilities…” Also includes presentation by CEO of CNA, the nuclear industry lobby group. Delta Hotel Airport Conference Centre, 5 pages
CNSC 3.7) Briefing note to the president (Velshi), Anticipated Appearance on the House Standing Committee on Science and Research’s Small Modular Nuclear Reactors Study, June 16, 2022, Includes answers to potential committee questions, i.e.: What is the CNSC role in approving the use of recycled nuclear waste as fuel? Answer: The Government of Canada is responsible for nuclear policy decisions, including on reprocessing used nuclear fuel in relation to SMRs. In accordance with GoC policy, the CNSC will assess the safety of any fuel proposed for use in an SMR design , including the reprocessing of used nuclear fuel for re-use. 28 pages, includes notes on Frank von Hippel’s open letter to PM.
CNSC 3.8) Memo internal, CNSC re Ministerial package update, October 20, 2022, heavily redacted, includes: “the Government should address outstanding policy issues, e.g. reprocessing, project vetoes – go ensure clarity is provided prior to a project enters the regulatory process,” 3 pages
CNSC 3.9) Memo internal, CNSC re PPF meeting tomorrow, speaking points, October 24, 2022, Messages for the event includes: “For the regulatory process to be predictable and efficient, policy issues need to be resolved in advance. One example is reprocessing, difficult to regulate in a policy void, or a perceived policy void. The issues should be consulted on and resolved prior to a project coming for regulatory approval. 2 pages
CNSC 3.10) Briefing note to CNSC president: Bilateral with Deputy Minister John Hannaford, October 11, 2022, heavily redacted, there is no mention of reprocessing in the exposed information. 4 pages
CNSC 3.11) Memo internal, CNSC re: Nuclear roundtable and reprocessing update, December 13, 2022, mostly redacted, referenced “we have raised the [nuclear] table and reprocessing as part of DM briefing material. 1 page.
CNSC 3.12) Memo from AECL, re: CESD Fall Deck 2022: Radioactive Waste Management, August-Sept, 2022, 5 pages.
CNSC 3.13) Report: Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) to Canada Advanced Reference Material for CNSC Counterpart Interviews, Sept. 3-13, 2019, includes “modules” with Q&A, appears to be an audit, includes CNSC responses to 2009 IRRS report. 368 pages
CNSC 3.14) Memo, multiple agencies, departments, re: ENVI-Nuclear waste governance in Canada report tabled, Sept. 22, 2022, 3 pages
CNSC 3.15) Briefing: House Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development Meeting on “Nuclear Waste Governance” in Canada, Proposed Responses to Anticipated Questions, February 3, 2022, 21 pages
CNSC 3.16) Memo December 1, 2022, originally from NRCan, multiple cc’s from NWMO, utilities, CNA (!), Atlantica Energy (!!), re: SMR Leadership Table, Thank you and April 12, 2023 placeholder, 4 pages, includes meeting summary
CNSC 3.17) Memo, internal CNSC, Leadership Team, November 24, 2022, ET Actions and Decisions from meeting Nov. 22, 2 pages
CNSC 3.18) Memo, internal CNSC to ET members, Re: Summary of 2nd Meeting of House Science and Research Committee Small Modular Nuclear Reactor Study, June 10, 2022, 3 pages.
CNSC 3.19) Memo, internal CNSC, to ET members, June 3, 2022. Re: sharing Globe article again, contains Matthew McClearn’s article on concerns about SMR wastes, 3 pages
CNSC 3.20) Memo, internal CNSC, March 31, 2022, briefing material for USNIC summit April 5, 3 pages.
CNSC 3.21) Memo, internal CNSC, January 21, 2022, RE: Summary: New Brunswick’s Standing Committee on Climate Change and Environmental Stewardship hearings on climate action plan – nuclear, 5 pages
CNSC 3.22) Memo, internal CNSC, July 28, 2021, Re: second letter (Frank’s letter), 3 pages
CNSC 3.23) Memo, internal CNSC, June 22, 2021, Re: Moltex communications, 5 pages
CNSC 1.24) Open letter to PM Justin Trudeau, May 25, 2021, 3 pages
CNSC 3.25) Memo, internal CNSC, April 15, 2021, Re: Summary of ON, SK and NB SMR Feasibility Study, 8 pages.
ECCC 1) Communications related to reprocessing and recycling used nuclear fuel received between January 2016 and December 2022. Requested December 2022, received March 2024. HERE (pdf 2.2 MB • 139 pages)
ECCC 1.1) Memo to the ECCC minister from minister of science dated January 4, 2016 forwarding a letter from a person affiliated with the University of Toronto (name redacted but seems to be Peter Ottensmeyer) extolling the virtues of nuclear waste reprocessing, 7 pages.
ECCC 1.2) Memo to the ECCC minister including a document from the Canadian Environmental Law Association dated October 30, 2018 entitled: Safeguarding Canadians, Our Environment and Future Generations – Rethinking Small Modular Reactor Deployment in Canada, 5 pages.
ECCC 1.3) Memo from Jonathan Wilkinson to the ECCC minister from the Canadian Nuclear Association with an attached a letter dated January 25, 2021 from the CEOs of the Canadian Nuclear Association, Ontario Power Generation, SaskPower, New Brunswick Power, Bruce Power related to Small Modular Reactors, and the original letter sent to the Government of Canada in June 2020, 16 pages.
ECCC 1.4) Memo from Jonathan Wilkinson to the ECCC minister enclosing a letter dated February 8, 2021 from Peter Ottensmeyer, U. of Toronto, extolling nuclear fuel reprocessing, 10 pages.
ECCC 1.5) Letter to the ECCC minister dated July 4, 2022 from the Coalition for Responsible Energy Development in New Brunswick enclosing a request under the IAAA for the Small Modular Reactor Demonstration project at Point Lepreau, New Brunswick, 78 pages.
ECCC 1.6) Submission dated July 10, 2022 to the ECCC minister from NO CANDU in Sioux Lookout, against nuclear waste dumping underground, 10 pages.
ECCC 1.7) Email from Northwatch to the ECCC minister enclosing an October 21, 2022 letter in EN and FR from from 83 Civil Society Organizations on Government of Canada Role in Development of Radioactive Waste Management Strategy, 9 pages.
FIN 1) Communications related to reprocessing and recycling used nuclear fuel received between January 2016 and December 2022. Requested December 2022, received February 2023. HERE (pdf 16 MB • 158 pages)
FIN 1.1) Slide deck from Natural Resources Canada: Small Modular Reactors, Pathways to Commercialization and the Case for Action, Presentation to Deputy Ministers’ SMR Roundtable, December 19, 2019, 29 pages.
FIN 1.2) Letter to Prime Minister Trudeau dated June 16, 2020 from the CEOs of Bruce Power, NB Power, Ontario Power Generation and SaskPower, subject is Canadian Opportunities for Deployment of Small Modular Reactors post COVID-19, 13 pages.
FIN 1.3) AECL Corporate Plan 2022-2023, 80 pages.
FIN 1.4) Presentation by Moltex Energy dated May 2020, Investing in short-term jobs, long-term economic growth and the green economy through SMR, 8 pages. Includes this: “This technology can single-handedly solve climate change”
FIN 1.5) Document, appears to be for the Deputy Minister: 9th Annual Meeting of Federal Deputy Ministers and Electricity Canada, Tuesday, April 19, 2022, 10am – 12pm EST. Includes key messages, speaking notes, 11 pages released.
GAC 1) Statements issued expressing Canada’s policy with respect to the “recycling” or “reprocessing” of nuclear fuel waste. Requested December 2022, received May 2023. HERE (pdf 9.3 MB • 98 pages)
GAC 1.1) IAEA Information Circular July 26, 2011, Communication received from the permanent mission of the Netherlands regarding certain member states’ guidelines for the export of nuclear material, equipment and technology. 63 pages.
GAC 1.2) Letter from Natural Resources Canada minister Seamus O’Regan to Frank von Hippel, no date, regarding letter from Frank and co-signatories to the Prime Minister on May 25, 2021. 3 pages.
GAC 1.3) United Nations General Assembly Official Records, 10th Special Session (on disarmament), 6th Plenary Meeting, May 26, 1978. Speech by Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau. Text of speech, pages 67-71 followed by the text of speeches from others, 30 pages total.
GAC 2) Communications related to reprocessing and recycling used nuclear fuel received between January 2016 and December 2022. Requested December 2022, still waiting for response!
ISED 1) Communications related to reprocessing and recycling used nuclear fuel received between January 2016 and December 2022. Requested December 2022, received March 2024. HERE (pdf 8.1 MB • 111 pages)
ISED 1.1) Memo dated Oct. 29, 2020 from Canadian Nuclear Association with attached report from the Conference Board of Canada, Emerging Frontiers, Economic Impacts of Very Small Nuclear Reactors in Remote Off-Grid Mining, 3 pages.
ISED 1.2) Slide deck prepared by Canadian Nuclear Association and four utilities, The Pan-Canadian SMR Deployment: The Path to Net-Zero. no date, 33 pages.
ISED 1.3) June 16, 2020, letter to PM Trudeau from the four utilities, Canadian Opportunities for Deployment of Small Modular Reactors post COVID-19, 12 pages.
ISED 1.4) Memo dated June 10, 2022 multiple recipients, FOR INFORMATION: SRSR Summary (June 9, 2022) – Small Modular Nuclear Reactors, 10 pages.
ISED 1.5) Mysterious series of memos dated Jan, Feb, March 2022, looks like a request from Laurie Swami, NWMO to brief the Minister and his staff, subject redacted, 27 pages.
ISED 1.6) Memo dated October 28, 2022 with changes proposed to Canada’s report to the UN Climate Report being drafted by ECCC, 21 pages.
ISED 1.7) Memo dated Feb. 8, 2021, Parliamentary Petition 432-00458–Natural and Energy (Nuclear Waste), Response prepared, 7 pages.
NRCAN 2) Communications related to reprocessing and recycling used nuclear fuel received between January 2016 and December 2022. Requested December 2022. Interim response received August 2023. HERE (pdf 5.1 MB • 76 pages). Final response received December 2023. HERE (pdf 2.6 MB • 33 pages)
Part 1: Interim response package
NRCAN 2.1) Memo with links to documents. 2 pages
NRCAN 2.2) Scenario note to ADM (Shawn Tupper) re Moltex-Canadian Nuclear Industries webinar, May 10, 2021, includes agenda, participants, background info, speaking notes. 11 pages
NRCAN 2.3) Scenario note to DM or ADM, Meeting with Rory O’Sullivan, May 20, 2020. Background, key points, lots on US SMR plans, Moltex info, info on funding for HR, 8 pages.
NRCAN 2.4) Scenario note to Minister, meeting with Rory O’Sullivan and NB Minister Mike Holland, Jan. 28, 2020. Issue, Highlights, background, annex about SMRs. annex with MOU between provinces on SMRs. 11 pages.
NRCAN 2.5) Memo to DM, some info – date? removed. Summary and info re reprocessing and concerns recently expressed in the media. Also an earlier draft with some changes noted. 9 pages.
NRCAN 2.6) Memo with many CCs on the email includes Paul Thompson and Andy Hayward from NB Power, John Gorman from CNA lobby, dated September 22, 2022, subject CANDO Owner’s Group, SMR Task Force, Fuel Recycling Task Team, Strategy for Establishing a Policy on Used Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing. Includes the strategy to establish a policy dated September 21. “Aspirational goal is to have a policy issued by spring 2023. 12 pages.
NRCAN 2.7) Memo from Canadian Nuclear Association to Justin Hannah, re nuclear waste, SMR investments and green bonds, March 28, 2022. Headings: the NSDF needs your support, SMRS moving from concept to reality, latest on the green bond framework. 3 pages.
NRCAN 2.8) Memo from Rory O’Sullivan to Andre Bernier and Justin Hannah. November 14, 2022. Complaining that the recycling policy is going slowly and if this keeps up it will take another two years. 1 page.
NRCAN 2.9) Memo from Rory O’Sullivan to Jim Delaney, Paul Thompson, etc. March 29, 2022. In case you have not received it, attached is Moltex submission to the radwaste policy review. Re meeting later that day. 2 pages.
NRCAN 2.10) Memo from Pui Wai Yuen to Justin Hannah, Nov. 1, 2022, Re reprocessing / recycling paper and deck. Attached 6 other emails with various cc, includes from Paul Thompson. Slide deck, date unreadable, Policy Development on Reprocessing. 1 slide withheld. 10 pages.
NRCAN 2.11) Memo from Daniel Brady to Justin Hannah, March 29, 2022. Background on reprocessing in global context. Much redacted. Also includes email from Jim Delaney mentioning Moltex submission to radwaste policy and meeting with Moltex. 2 pages.
Part 2: Final response package
NRCAN 2.12) Memo to the deputy minister: Status of reprocessing technology, with additional background, no date but likely August 2021, 7 pages.
NRCAN 2.13) Document from Global Affairs Canada: Non-proliferation considerations for nuclear fuel reprocessing, stamped July 16, 2021, 3 pages.
NRCAN 2.14) Open letter to PM Justin Trudeau from Frank von Hippel and other U.S. experts, dated May 25, 2021, 3 pages.
NRCAN 2.15) Second open letter to PM Justin Trudeau from F. von Hippel and others, dated July 28, 2021, 3 pages.
NRCAN 2.16) Letter from minister of natural resources to Frank von Hippel, dated August 13, 2021, 3 pages.
NRCAN 2.17) Memo to Justin Hannah, reprocessing policy outline and questions, questions withheld, November 1, 2022, 3 pages.
NRCAN 2.18) Memo dated June 8, 2022 to Justin Hannah and others, Nuclear Energy Agency, re questions about SMR waste, including NWMO document Small Modular Reactors, Managing Used Fuel, 7 pages.
PCO 1) Statements issued expressing Canada’s policy with respect to the “recycling” or “reprocessing” of nuclear fuel waste. Requested December 2022, received February 2023. HERE (pdf 2.7 MB • 122 pages)
PCO 1.1) Briefing book for Jean Chretien, prime minister, Nuclear Summit, Moscow, April 19-20, 1996. Many pages not included as “not relevant.” Document released is 54 pages
PCO 1.2) Briefing book for Stephane Dion, October 1999, questions and responses for question period. Many pages not included as “not relevant,” 66 pages, mostly tables of contents except for October 6, 1999, MOX update – using MOX fuel in Canada.
PCO 2) Statements issued between 1977 and 2022 expressing Canada’s policy with respect to nuclear weapons proliferation and security risks in relation to plutonium. Requested December 2022, received May 2023. HERE (pdf 29.8 MB • 98 pages)
PCO 2.1) Briefing book for Prime Minister Jean Chretien. Prime Minister’s Intervention Book, Halifax Summit 1995, June 15-17, 1995. Most pages not included as “not relevant,” statements on commitment to multilateral engagement, arms control and disarmament, promoting new (UN) approaches, Europe, Middle East and Africa, 10 pages.
PCO 2.2) Same briefing book as 1.1) above, Nuclear Summit, 1996. Includes draft communique, Moscow nuclear safety and security summit, other draft communiques, 16 pages released.
PCO 2.3) Briefing book for Prime Minister Jean Chretien, Denver Summit of the Eight, June 20-22, 1997. Includes speaking points on many issues, including nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. 31 pages released, many “not relevant”
PCO 2.4) Scenario and background book, Nuclear Security Summit, Washington, 2016, March 30-April 1, 2016. 32 pages, many other pages “not relevant.” Contains Canada’s national statement. Includes The Hague Nuclear Security Summit Communique, April 24-25 2014. Includes the communique from the Seoul Nuclear Security Summit in 2012. Includes the communique from the Washington Nuclear Security Summit from 2010.
PCO 3) Communications related to reprocessing and recycling used nuclear fuel received between January 2016 and December 2022. Requested December 2022, received May 2023. HERE (pdf 43.8 MB • 803 pages)
PCO 3.1) Memorandum for Michael Wernick, August 24, 2016, Response to NWMO’s draft strategic plan: implementing adaptive phased management, 2017-2021. Advises to sign a letter thanking NWMO and wishing them success. Includes draft strategic plan in both EN and FR. 141 pages
PCO 3.2) Letter from NWMO to Michael Wernick, September 28, 2017 with enclosed draft strategic plan, Implementing adaptive phased management, 2018-2022 in EN and FR, 71 pages.
PCO 3.3) Letter from NWMO March 2018 with copy of NWMO Annual Report 2017 and final copy of Implementing Adaptive Phased Management, 2018-2022 in EN and FR, 299 pages.
PCO 3.4) letter from NWMO March 2019 with a copy of NWMO Annual report 2018 and Implementing Adaptive Phased Management, 2019-2023 in EN and FR, 286 pages.