Introducing the team: Erin Hurley, research assistant

Hi everyone! My name is Erin (she/her) and I am in my fourth-year of undergraduate studies at St. Thomas University in Fredericton, New Brunswick. I am honouring in Environment & Society and majoring in Journalism. I began doing research with Dr. Susan O’Donnell and Dr. Janice Harvey in January of 2023 on the Plutonium Project. I am now currently working with them and fellow research assistant Emma Fackenthall on Study 1: Media Analysis for the CEDAR Project.

So far, I have mainly been collecting and coding news articles – along with Emma – for article type, primary and secondary voices, and energy technologies discussed. Once that stage was completed, Dr. Harvey and I conducted an analysis of the news media coverage regarding the NB Legislature hearings with the Standing Committee on Climate Change and Environmental Stewardship this past fall. Our plan was to assess what is being said in the media versus what was said in the hearings. From there, we identified some implications of this for public discourse and public perception of the issues being brought forth to the legislature.  

Other than doing this research, I love to read, write, hike, camp, garden, swim and surf!